Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Current "Skinny" Obsession

Another craze sweeping celebrity life is anorexia-like dieting. This is the apparent notion that it is attractive to weigh 90 pounds. This trend has become very common among both young and older celebrities. Celebs who have been toned and healthy in the past now resemble skeletons. 
My victim of criticism is Nicole Ritchie. This picture above depicts perfectly the ugly transformation taking place between many women. Why is this obsession occurring? Self esteem issues are rising with the media portraying beauty as skinny. Super models have always been idolized by many women, and their stick-thin bodies are a large influence them. With the obesity rates climbing in America, this trend may be a reverse reaction to that. Although obesity is common among the public, this emaciated look is now taking over with celebrities. Because the public looks so highly of the celebrity world by purchasing all the gossip magazines and watching E! TV, it is depressing that the normal world now is being told that they should be sickly thin, because their favorite celebrities now are. However, when celebrities get "too skinny" the media criticizes them for that as well. This sends confusing messages to fans who do have body image issues. Girls and women want to have attractive bodies but the media is not giving them the right encouragement. I would say people need to find a healthy medium where they feel good and look good. People focus too much on the number the scale tells them, rather than working hard to build muscle and be fit, which in my opinion is most attractive.
This craze is a harmful one that is bound to continue to have a negative influence on the public, especially young girls. The only way to stop this madness is for the media and celebrities to encourage healthy eating and exercise, and promoting overall active lifestyles. 

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